Tuesday, December 2, 2014

where did I create today?

Thank You
Thank You 
Thank You to everyone who is ordering art journals as gifts from me.  It means alot that you are supporting me in making my dream come true.  Plus you are getting a unique gift for someone special at an affordable price.  That is a WIN-WIN situation.   For those of you who don't know what the heck I am talking about here is my little advertisement.  There is still time to get your order in

I woke up this morning with this insatiable urge to take myself and my business of making art out into the world.  I was aware that at the top of my list was to get at least 2 journals stitched today.  So I packed up my supplies and headed to Jo & Doh! Donuts & Cafe.  I can tell this is the beginning of something grand.  Just imagine... a traveling art studio.

Where in Naperville is Teresa creating art today?  

I ordered a hot chocolate and in addition to that I got a brief lesson from the young man that served me about Latte Art.  He beamed with enthusiasm when he expressed that he wants to be able to do this.  I knew I was at the right place.
I sat down at a table, pulled out my supplies, and started stitching away.  The hot chocolate was soothing on this brisk morning, the soft music playing in the background comforted me all the while the yummy looking pastries were calling my name but I ignored them.  I'll give in to them the next time I visit.

I can't begin to describe how pleasurable it was to be at Jo & Doh! Donuts & Cafe. I wished I had taken more journals to bind so I could have stayed longer.  I spoke with Trena, one of the owners, and she welcomed me back anytime.  And you know what... I will take her up on that offer.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Telling My Story #5

By this time on my journey I had come to realize how important it was to create every day.  Most days I had no clue what I was doing but I kept on creating anyway.  I was beginning to believe that I really could do this.  By this I mean... be an artist.  I was beginning to believe in myself enough to believe that I could fly. (metaphorically speaking, of course)  All the flowers were to represent growth and blooming where you are.  I didn't know much about creating art but I have always known to keep moving forward and I would find my way.  The butterfly represents that I can do anything with a little help.  At this time in my life I was becoming acquainted with other women/artist who were on a similar venture.  To hear their stories of where they were to see where they are now was extremely instrumental in building faith in myself.  Still, to this day, I love hearing stories behind the artist.  I find each and everyone of them uplifting.  

Saturday, November 29, 2014

great gift idea


I have been making these journals for several people and they are turning out to be excellent gifts.  They are affordable, personable, and just darn cute!

I look forward to creating a special custom journal for you.

Friday, November 21, 2014


I woke up one morning with a heavy feeling of melancholy. (a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no 
obvious cause)  I was about to start my day, like any other day,  yet the feeling lingered.  I decided to shift
things.  I was going to sit with the feeling and ask "what am I to be learning"?  During my morning
meditation I wept.  Typically I  would try to stop the tears but this time I didn't.   I grabbed kleenex 
instead.  I continued to sit with the feeling while my inquiring mind was being rather active.  "What am
to be learning?"  
I was prompted to take out my
drawing pad and I drew what I 
believed being melancholy 
looked like.  I'd like to say the 
feeling dissipated during the 
drawing time but it  didn't.  

What did I learn?  Nothing 
new.  I'm sure we all know this.    
On this day, I learned it in a 
new way.  Being melancholy 
(blue) isn't a bad thing.  It is 
simply a feeling. One thing for 
certain about being a human 
is we come with a boat load of 
feelings.  I believe that all of 
them serve a purpose at some 
time.  The real bonus is we 
have the power to choose 
which feeling(s) to hold onto 
and which one(s) to let go 

Time has past since that 
melancholic day and I am
pleased to announce that I 
have returned to my optimistic, 
creative, cheerful, encouraging
supportive, productive, self.    
And I am grateful for all that I 
am learning.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Telling My Story #4

At this time on my creative path I began to "Imagine the Possibilities".  My mind was filling with many ideas and aspirations.   I was feeling unstoppable until I drew this girl.  She was my 3rd drawing/painting and she challenged me from the beginning.  Thru the process of drawing her she revealed to me that I was afflicted with perfectionism.  I just couldn't get her, particularly her hair, to be perfect!    It dampened my spirits for only a short while then I surrendered and just added a flower to her head.  It actually turned out cute!

This lesson of letting go of perfectionism was the beginning of many more to come.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Telling My Story #3

October 2011

In September 2011, I had just finished the a 5 week e-course,  Flying Lessons, with Kelly Rae Roberts.  I was given knowledge of how to take my passion and  turn it into a business.  I was thrilled!  I became acquainted with other artists from the class pursuing a similar goal.   And now some of those ladies are my closest friends.  My Mom had always said to me, "You become the company that you keep" so I was eager to embrace this opportunity and to create new friendships.

One evening, I sat down and drew this girl, she was my 2nd face to ever draw.  With deep hesitation I posted her on my blog.  I had to push thru to do this because I was fearful of being judged by other artists.

Caught up in the excitement I wasn't aware of the little gremlins working against me in my head.  They slowly picked at my newly acquired confidence causing me to doubt myself and the possibility of my dream ever coming true. After being the hostess at my own pity-party for what seemed like forever,  I went into my studio and painted from my heart.  I now know the term as being "intuitive painting".   This young lady (my first girl to ever paint) appeared with a message so simple, so yet profound.  I had temporarily forgotten that my strength comes from within.  Because I am human it is easy to get off track from time to time.  I decided that I would make it a priority to Be Still.  There is a tremendous amount of pleasure in the silence when you are still.  The integral and monumental first step to my realignment was to become still, really still, and listen to my inner guidance.  I have always believed my creative path was a gift from the Universe/God and hearing the whispers from my soul will be heard when I become still.  

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Telling My Story #2

(you can read how it all began by clicking the link above)
June 2011
As my 2nd piece of art came to life, I began to feel a little more confident.   I thought, IF I AM  being guided by the Universe/God then it was my responsibility to Believe and act accordingly.    Early on, back in the 80's, I was given a book which I devoured called "The Magic of Thinking Big" by David Schwartz. (I have decided to re-read it not)  The title says it all.  Sometimes we limit ourselves by thinking or believing small, especially when we are doing something out of our comfort zone.  At the time this piece was created I was determined to believe BIG.  I had no idea what I was doing but I knew I was in charge of my attitude.  So... off I went.  

My belief was bolstered when I sold this piece within a week of creating it!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Tell My Story #1

Today in my studio... listening to ethereal music by Ludovico Einaudi while a candle flickers softly in the distance, and the sweet fragrance of Nag Champa Flower incense fills my studio as my hands steadily prepare prints of my original artwork for our Art & Gift show.  I became more aware how profoundly connected I am to my art.   Each piece tells a story, it would seem to be my story since I created the art yet at the same time it is everyone's story.  I became teary eyed with that realization and a calm, peaceful feeling enveloped me.  It was as if I now know on a deeper level what I have always thought.  Me doing art is much, much more than brush strokes or pencil markings.  My art is about the story.   We are all alike, we all feel the same feelings, from time to time, just in a little different way.  My stories aren't unique.  I am simply expressing them thru my art.  This explains why people resonate with my art.  As I look back I can see that my soul was whispering this to me thru my experience at Fort Vallonia Days a couple weeks ago.  So...today in my studio... while I listened  to ethereal music by Ludovico Einaudi while a candle flickered softly in the distance, and the sweet fragrance of Champa Flower incense filled  my studio... I got it, I truly got it.

Following comes the inspiration from today's nudges.   Tell the story behind each and every piece of art.  Each story is important to share.   Perhaps you will identify with the story plus you will learn more about the artist behind the art... called ME!

This is Tell My Story #1.
June 2011
This was my very first painting.  It was me beginning to work thru the notion that I am "good enough,  just as I am".  As a child I never felt that I fit in.  I always seemed to be an outcast.  That scenario continued into my adolescent years followed by my young adult life.  It would be fair to say that I have spent a good portion of my life not believing I was good enough.  When I answered the calling in 2011 to follow my creative path it stirred many uneasy feelings.  Once again I was in turmoil over the repetitive question.  Am I good enough?  Would I ever be good enough to make it in the art world?  The pivotal difference between then and now is I know that we all face fears often in our lives, that we all feel unworthy from time to time, that we all are sad, lonely, and afraid.   For sure, you will get knocked down often, just get back up.

The answer to the question is -  if you don't fit into one vase (metaphorically speaking) that's OK.  It doesn't mean you aren't good enough.    Bloom where you are planted and improve upon it to the best of your ability.   YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH - JUST AS YOU ARE!

Monday, November 3, 2014

I'm stretching

This was my week last week...  

This is how my week is starting today... Magical Monday

I am stretching...

Saturday, October 25, 2014

drawings from the last 3 days

The last few days I have been drawing.  I know that if I want to get better it takes practice, practice, practice.  My part in this creative journey is to show up and do the work.  The results are out of my hands.  I am committed to do my part each and every day.

Next week I will be spending time at the Apple store to learn about iMovie.  I've always had an interest in making movies for people from their photos to help preserve their memories.  In addition, I am looking into creating tutorials to share on-line.   I've had this on the back burner for quite sometime, now I'm moving forward.  Donna Downeywho is one of my favorites artists, sent out a call for artist to join "her gang (her definition for a call for a design team).  A criteria to apply was to send her a tutorial/instructional video.  Dang It!  I've never done that before.  I reckon I missed the boat on that one.  Next time I am going to be ready.

Which means most of next week I will have my nose to the computer, unless we have  more beautifully warm days that beacons me to come outside and draw.  (I will have to heed the call!)  Here are my drawing for the last 3 days.

my daughter, Tara, when she was 2 yrs old.         

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Fort Vallonia Days

This past weekend I participated in the Fort Vallonia Days.  
It was a grand opportunity to show my art and to take another step in an onward direction.
On Saturday it was rainy, windy, and very cold.  Luckily my brother-in-law had provided me with 2 heating units.  We fondly advertised that we had the "hottest tent in town".   Sunday rolled around and the rain was gone but the temperature dropped even lower.  It was downright freezing!

My niece, Zenitha, was with me during those days.  It was great spending time with her.  I admire the person she is becoming.  She, also,  has a vibrant personality which drew the goofy side of me out of hiding!  Thus… this silly selfie!

The people who stopped by our "hottest tent in town" were delightful to talk with.  I was enriched with each encounter.   We had really good conversations.  We shared heartfelt stories that were provoked by a sentiment written on my art.  Some laughter, some tears, and many hugs were present in those few days.  I am most certain that friendships were sparked, too!  I was filled with gratitude that my Art From My Heart was felt within this small space.  I left that event believing, even more, that I am creating inspiring work that will help change the world, even if it's one person at a time.

Because this blog is about sharing my creative journey, it is important to be honest enough to share the other side of the story,  about the process of my creative dream coming true.  

The legendary question was asked:      "How did you do?"  This is often in reference to "did you sell alot of stuff".  The answer to that question invoked my inner critics and stirred some unsettling thoughts, that I should quit, that I am doing alot of work and not getting paid for it.  All of which seem to be valid.  Don't get me wrong because I agree that earning a living and providing income for my household is important, yet  I can't shake the feeling that this dream of mine is far bigger.  It was only a little over 3 years ago that I did not even know that I could draw or paint.  That day in August 2011 when I sat down with a pencil in my hand a drew a face was the beginning of a whole new world for me.  I am forever changed because of art.  I represent the average person, OK… older person, who has found a way to let her creative spirit out to play.  I am not in this alone, my soul has been stirred and together we can make this dream come true.  That is what fuels me.

My heart is filled with gratitude for all the people who encourage me along the way.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

note to younger self

I recently was invited to join a book club with several other women.  The book we are reading and discussing is titled "Tree Spiritied Woman" by Colleen Baldrica.  We read the prologue and the first chapter and afterward there was a prompted discussion.  We were to talk about our relationships with our Grandmother(s) or a Grandmother figure and some of our memories.  It was my turn and I couldn't come up with any positive memories.  My paternal Grandmother died when I was young and I don't remember  a good relationship with my maternal Grandmother.  Yet there was this one Grandmother figure that vividly came to my mind.  It was Grandma King…. she was our pastor's mother yet everyone knew her by Grandma King.  She was an inspiration to me.  I didn't really know it then or even as I was a child but as an adult I often would recall the impact she had on me.  I remember sitting on her lap, she had a soft, cuddly lap, and she would wrap her loving arms around and whisper gently in my ear, "You are special, just the way you are and one day you will know it."  Even talking about her in this manner I can feel her arms around me!  Thank You Grandma King.
Why am I telling you this story?
Well...I felt compelled to dedicate my 2nd  page in my new art journal to Grandma King along with the message she comforted me with.  I drew a picture of me when I was in 3rd grade on a text page from a book and painted it with watercolors (one of my 1st attempts at this).  I believe Grandma King planted this message deep within me, although I wasn't aware, which has sustained me thru challenging times.  
The message is true for us all no matter what age.  
You are special, just the way you are.
P.S. Here is the 1st page in my new Art Journal, I see I never posted it on my blog.  I created it yesterday.  The writing on the art is the premise of the journal.  It is my intention to display all posts from this journal as a means to aid in me expressing myself.

Monday, October 6, 2014


According to the The Society of American Florist the meaning of the Black Eyed Susan flower is:
Lately I have been asking the Universe/God:
     * am I on the right path?
     * if I am, show me what I am suppose to be using my art for?
     * how can I take who I am and what I do and be of service?

I have committed to listening to the soft whispers even if I don't understand them, to quiet my "ego chatter" to be open to receive any and all messages, and another crucial part of the step is to follow thru.  It's quite the task!  Sometimes I do good and, as to be expected, sometimes not so good.  It greatly surprises me when I  get the message loud and clear to the very depth of my soul.  This is what happened with I finished these beautiful Black Eyed Susans.  I LOVED every minute of making them. (more details about them are on my website:  http://www.teresacash.com)  After the piece was completed I decided to look up the meaning of the flower and was enthralled by the definition… encouragement

OMGoodness!!!!  I have answers to my questions.  

Check this out… in the middle of the definition is the word courage, which is the ability and willingness to confront fear.  

I had been second guessing the release of my Little Angels as Breast Cancer Awareness Angels (which I did yesterday) because I didn't want anyone to think I was exploiting the situation.  Because I am not!  CLICK HERE for the link if you want to read more about them.  My intention was to find a way to offer encouragement.  Now I am aware that was just fear of being judged that was attempting to hold me back.
At this time I am feeling at peace and filled with gratitude.
I wish you a blessed day!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

I'm Just a Little Angel with a BIG message

I'm just a little angel with a BIG message.
I've come to recognize that one of the main reasons I create art is to express something I am feeling that I may not be able to put into words.   The depth of what I feel sometimes is broader than I can verbally express.

As we all know October is Breast Cancer Awareness month.  I been feeling a tugging at my heart strings to allow my precious little angels to honor all the BRAVE women who are dealing with or have overcome breast cancer, or any cancer for that matter.  I honestly can not even imagine what it would be like.  I have witnessed others trudging thru their life, the sickness experienced from chemo, the strength used and the agony felt just to get thru  daily activities,  loosing their hair, fear of the unknown and many, many more struggles.  I am in awe with their resilience to conquer.  These ladies have tremendous courage to make it from one day to the next.  You are REMARKABLE!

This cancer thing has been hitting close to home lately. I lost my older sister Judy to leukemia last September and now another sister recently had surgery and the doctor removed 45 pounds of cancerous tumors from inside her.  She is about to start chemo with hopes it will destroy any cancer cells that may be hiding within her body.  The projected outcome is optimistic yet the power of prayer is phenomenal
so if you can add her to your prayers I would be filled with gratitude.

I have made 25 Little Angels and designated them Breast Cancer Awareness Angels.
If you know someone going thru or has survived breast cancer a Little Angel may just be the way to let her know how much you admire her courage, when words don't seem to be enough.
Or the Little Angel can be a reminder for you of that special person you know that displayed tremendous courage.
These little angels are at my on-line store.

For each angel sold $5.00 will go toward anonymously buying groceries for someone in need.
It's a win - win!

Friday, September 19, 2014

my super hero cape

I found this TED talk on Kelly Rae Roberts blog.  
I listened to it and I invite you to take a moment (actually 17 minutes) to listen, too.  

She speaks about telling the story of who you are and the super hero capes that we wear.  There is one that I am fully aware that I wear that no longer serves me.   It is the cape of "having it all together".   I am not admitting to being one hot mess because I am not.   This is what I am saying… because of the "having it all together" cape that I wear I have an extremely difficult time asking for support or help.  Therefore I set myself up.  When in actuality, even though I am 61 yrs old.  I sometimes feel like this frightened little girl that just wants you to believe she is OK.  You know the… "I can do it myself" attitude.  As an adult it translates into "I am a strong confident woman".

When I opened the door and committed to following my creative path I put myself into unknown territory.  Except for bursts here and there, I feel I have lived my life in a safe and routine environment. This creative path has not only been about learning to paint/draw it's, also, about discovering more about who I am.  What my truth is.  One of my biggest fears has always been about being judged.  When I was wearing my "having it all together" cape I felt protected.  Well… I have thrown that cape away.  The people close to me have experienced me stepping out of that comfort zone and asking for their help.  Thank You for being there and "not judging me".

I look back at my art about "Simple Truths/Simple Reminders" and I see that I was telling a story.  My story that  transcends to other peoples' story.  I'm almost certain that at some point in our lives we all feel the same things, just a little different.

Since I have been on this creative journey I feel more alive and wouldn't trade it for the world.  Each day I am committed to SHOWING UP and trusting it will all work out.  No more "having it all together" cape and pretending it's all OK because sometimes it just isn't.  That's when I may call you for some help.  :-)

Monday, August 25, 2014

the deep hole

Wondering where I have been lately?  
I'm OK! 
I've been (still am)  in a deep technology hole.  I come up once in awhile for some fresh air.
I realize it is time I get serious about my art as a business.  So I've plunged myself deep into the technology hole of learning to improve my FaceBook Business Page.  Even tho I enjoy working with technology it is not my strength so it takes me a little while longer.  Here is the link if you want to go check it out so far.  https://www.facebook.com/teresacashart While you're there feel free to like my page.  I'm learning that in order to get additional benefits from FaceBook they determine that by how many likes you get on your page.

What I'm finding is while I'm doing this technological computer stuff I am getting these inspirational ideas.  So I jot them down on the stonewall for a later day.  It's amazing how the mind works.

Gotta get back to work.
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