I woke up one morning with a heavy feeling of melancholy. (a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no
obvious cause) I was about to start my day, like any other day, yet the feeling lingered. I decided to shift
things. I was going to sit with the feeling and ask "what am I to be learning"? During my morning
meditation I wept. Typically I would try to stop the tears but this time I didn't. I grabbed kleenex
instead. I continued to sit with the feeling while my inquiring mind was being rather active. "What am
I to be learning?"
I was prompted to take out my
drawing pad and I drew what I
believed being melancholy
looked like. I'd like to say the
feeling dissipated during the
drawing time but it didn't.
What did I learn? Nothing
new. I'm sure we all know this.
On this day, I learned it in a
new way. Being melancholy
(blue) isn't a bad thing. It is
simply a feeling. One thing for
certain about being a human
is we come with a boat load of
feelings. I believe that all of
them serve a purpose at some
time. The real bonus is we
have the power to choose
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