Friday, May 4, 2018

I'm doing cartwheels!

I am so frickin' excited over here!!!!   I'm doing cartwheels!!!! (in my mind, of course)  

I just learned the portrait I entered into the Cloth-Paper-Scissors Mixed Media Portrait challenge was accepted as one of the finalists. 
Wanna do a "hApPy DaNcE" with me?

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Voyage Chicago Magazine

I was recently asked to share about myself, as an artist, and my art for the Voyage Chicago magazine.  
It sure is an honor to see myself grouped with other creative souls.
Click this link to read the article:

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

the story behind the art

I use to think that I could withstand most storms that came my way, literally or emotionally, by rationalizing it.   I'd focus on looking for a silver lining, a lesson to be learned, knowing the sun will come out after the rain, or finding a pony underneath all the horse shit.  
Thru one of my toughest times like my divorce in 1997 after 22 years of marriage I feel one of my strongest assets can be attributed to creating a POL (pissed off list).  
All those things that made me mad or made me scared I would write them down on this list.
I believe there is a place for rationalizing

I, also, have come to understand that feeling the emotion then releasing it 
is extremely cleansing and healing.   
Sometimes thru tears.

I recently feel like I lost a friendship and it has silently troubled me.  I know you are probably thinking, "So what.... friendships come and go!"   Quite honestly I felt the same way... So What... yet the feeling remained.
I turned to my journal to write about it.  I asked myself why it bothered me so much.
It eventually dawned on me that is was...
ABANDONMENT:   a subjective emotional state in which people feel undesired, left behind, insecure, or discarded.  
I started to weep.  Most of my childhood I felt this way and it was here again, in this moment.  Instead of brushing it off and rationalizing it I chose to sit with it. 
Thank You, God/Universe for bringing this person and the situation into my life.

The next morning as I entered my studio, this piece was readily available for me to create.
Titled, "Releasing Can Do Wonders"

Because this piece is resonating with many people.
I have prints available.
Let me know if you are interested and I will give you more details.
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