I just had 2 wonderful days at the CREATE mixed media retreat. I took 2 classes and both of them were very good. The one that resonated the most with me was A Craving for Circles taught by Mary Beth Shaw.
She was an absolute genuine person, very easy going, and funny! You could tell that she loved what she was doing. And she really wanted you to get the most out of her class.

Her class is what I have been yearning for... techniques. She is from Missouri and will soon be opening up her studio to teach classes. I will be taking some road trips to learn more from her.
I met some incredible women there, too. Peggy sat beside me. We shared some stories and laughed a little. Peggy wore a beautiful blue feather in her hair that looked good and it fit her personality. I want one!! :-) She wore an apron that she had drawn a woman's face on it. Awesome is the word to describe her face. She said she followed the instructions given by Kelly Rae Roberts in her
Taking Flight book. This was just the encouragement I needed to try my hand at drawing a face. I'll show you later what I came up with. Here is the artwork I created from Mary Beth's class.
It will proudly hang in my studio as my 1st piece of artwork!
I, also, had the pleasure of meeting
Jenny Petricek whom I have been communicating with since I started my blog. It seemed like I had known her forever. Her blog is authentic and represents who she truly is as a person. Be sure to check out her blog about the "Altered Book" she is doing in honor of her Grandmother. Her passion shines thru in the book.