Wednesday, November 27, 2024

It was time to finish this piece.

            It was time to tackle/finish a piece that has been sitting on one of my easels since June.  

      I'm not sure why it had taken me so long to finish it and at this point the reason doesn't matter. 

 I finished it!  That's what matters the most.  Right? 

This is the background. how it all began.
   It's 11x14 in a Strathmore mixed media journal.  I prepped the page with one coat of gesso.
Next I randomly collaged on it with all sorts of scrap paper.
Then I made marks with watersoluable pens and ink.

I sketched this drawing using a charcoal pencil on the page.
This is the stage the piece has sat at since June.

I wanted her to stand out from the back ground which prompted me to only using  3 colors of acrylic paint.  White, black, and gray.  I wanted down the paint in areas I wanted it to be more transparent.

                                      WEBSITE:  http://www.teresacashart.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Stepping Out of my Comfort Zone (again)

When I first began my art journey in Feberuary 2011 I started  a blog   I barely knew what a blog was but I knew it was the "in thing" to do, at that time.    The purpose was to document/write about my journey of becoming an artist.  Calling myself an artist was beyond my imagination and it felt a little strange.  Yet, I believed with every fiber in me I was being guided so I simply trusted the process.  I put one front of the other and followed the guidance.  I am so blessed to be able to go back and read about my thoughts, my struggles, my triumphs, every morsel from "the beginning" because I took the time to write about it.
I highly suggest journaling to everyone even if you don't think you have anything to say.   Say it anyway.  You never know how important it will be to your future self.

Lately,  I have been re-reading some of those posts and to be quite honest... I am feel  envy of the young artist I was becoming.  The courage I had to create whatever I felt like creating.  I trusted the guidance 100%.
It was common that if I felt I was suppose to do something out of my comfort zone.
Fear did not hold me back.  I just did it!  
I could go on and on........ but I won't.  I am learning from those earlier times.    
I am using those feelings to fuel me and move me onward.  Not letting fear stand in my way.

I painted the portrait below yesterday. (you can watch me on my YouTube channel, the link is below.  
My "comfort" style is not like this.  I want to become more free flowing, loose, and big.

Thank You for all that you do.


Thursday, November 14, 2024


I had started this blog February 12, 2011 as a way/means to document my journey of becoming an artist.  I didn't even have an "official" artist name then, like I do now.

Below is a snippet of one of my first posts in February 2011 that explains what I was thinking then.

"I was recently asked what my purpose was in writing this blog?

The main  reason is to openly journal the experience of my creative self emerging.  I think it will also serve as a way of holding myself accountable.  It is totally out of my comfort zone to be open about my feelings.   I have always kept my deep feelings reserved.  I do know that opening my heart will allow my creative spirit to soar.  I am ready to " let it all go" and move forward toward expressing myself thru my art.   So bear with me as I slowly take this BIG leap of faith into unfamiliar territory. "

Recently I started going back to re-read these blog posts.  All of the wonderful memories/emotions of "those beginning days" flooded back.  They filled my heart with Joy!  They cemented into me the value of writing about my creative journey.  I knew with every fiber in me that I was being guided.  My responsiblity was to follow and trust the process.   

Years later... here I am... 

My intention is to revive writing about my art journey, sharing my art and what it means to me.

         Thank You for your continued support and encouragement.

INSTAGRAM:  Teresa Cash Art


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