I was reminded by FaceBook that it had been a while since I posted something.
I'll admit that my knee jerk reaction was to feel shameful.
I quickly squelched that thought and replaced it with,
"I am following my heart and it knows the way".
Oh so true!
My word for 2017 is BALANCE.
The intention of this word is a reminder that my life isn't only about my to-do lists.
I do have them everywhere.
I know my lists serve a purpose, they just aren't the only driving force.
There is much more.
I feel at peace with me, as a person, and me, as an artist, when I quiet my mind enough
to listen for the next step is, then take that step.
I, also, deeply believe in the quote by Picasso...
"Inspiration exist, but it has to find you working."
My first question to myself is...
"If my knee jerk reaction to FaceBook's reminder was shameful. What button did it push?"
It didn't take me long to uncover this answer.
(cease to support or look after someone; to desert)
#1. The relationship I have with each and everyone of you is vital to me.
FaceBook provides us this place as a way to stay in touch.
#2. I realize I have been swept away with my to-do lists and haven't been in my studio creating on a daily basis. I was out of balance. DUH! That's the reason I have been feeling like sh*t. I changed that today.
Thank You for all of your support and encouragement.