Tuesday, March 15, 2011

starting again

I woke up this morning and was drawn to find a book I purchased a while ago called The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron.  It was extremely easy to locate on my bookshelf, almost as if it was waiting me to seek it out.  I do remember the reason I bought it was because I wanted to find a way to be able to express myself more creatively.  The date inside the book says I purchased it  April 1999, 12 years ago.  Whew!! That's a long time ago!  I sometimes look back in regret that I didn't push a little harder to achieve my dreams.  Then I realize that regret will not get me anywhere, it will only keep me stuck.  I choose to move forward, even if it is only baby steps.   When those nasty little doubt thoughts creep into my mind I ask myself, "if not now, when?"  Now that I have discovered the book again and I can remember the feelings I had 12 years ago to achieve my dreams, the same feelings I have now, makes me more determined to see this thru.  The little question, "if not now, when?" has more of an impact.  I am more determined than ever to "start again", this time it is with the intention of finishing. 

Thanks for all your cheers, I can hear you in the distance!!!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I have been busy!

Busy, busy creating!
My daughter, Tara, gave me some encyclopedias and I have repurposed them into canvases.  I am having fun creating. I am taking old photos of my, deceased, mother and doing acrylic transfers then putting them on my "repurposed" canvas using ideas from Claudine Hellmuth's book Collage Discovery Workshop http://www.collageartist.com/book.htm. I have several items I'm working on that I will show you guys later for your feedback.  I think they look pretty darn good for a beginner.  Ofcourse, I my opinion may be slanted slightly!

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Oh my goodness!  I have been  working on getting my domain name transferred to my blog.  A special thanks to Liv at www.choosingbeauty.com  for inspiring me to create a blog I love. As of Saturday morning my friends and family could open the sight up but I could not.  Yesterday I spent at least 3 hours on the phone between my internet service provider and Dotster (my domain name provider) to try and figure out where the glitch was.  No one could figure it out.  I heard more technical terms than I could have even imagined.  I, also, had to repeat these words and explain it to the next technical support person.  I totally had no clue what I was saying so I just repeated the words verbatim.   I was determined to resolve this issue without getting even a little "pissed off".  The technical support people I worked with were very nice, they just couldn't figure out the problem.
More than 3 hours later... here I am at my new blog site.  I am smiling from ear to ear!!!  I am one step closer to achieving my dream.  That makes me very happy!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Boy Oh Boy

Here I am entering another unfamiliar territory.  I am trying to change something in my DNS records for my blog address.  ( I don't even know if that statement even made sense)  Whew!  My head is spinning with all the computer terminolgy.  My directions provide a explanation with examples and I don't even understand the explanation.   That's pitiful!!!  I am reminded of a saying "you can't eat an elephant whole but you can bite, by bite, by bite.  I know that to be true.  But for now I am full so I think I'll stop before I start creating new swear words.
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