Wednesday, October 28, 2015

If a woodpecker comes knocking

For the past week or so we've had a red headed woodpecker come, every day, sit outside our kitchen window clinging to the brick siding and then deliberately fly into the window multiple times. There was no rhyme or reason to it.  We thought it peculiar!  I tried to capture some pictures but this is the only one that turned out.

This past Monday morning I began to take this little guy and the visits a more seriously.  Now the woodpecker went from being peculiar to being mystical.

Lately I  have been doing a lot of reading and thinking about life.  The deeper meaning of life, the guidance we get from our soul,  a synchronicity  that will occur pointing us in certain directions, all of these things and many more.   One of the key elements is to be quiet enough to listen and hear these subtle messages.  I began to wander if the woodpecker was indeed a messenger.

Excitedly I went to the internet to see what I could learn about the meaning of a red-headed woodpecker and came across this.   I earnestly heard these messages.  I am grateful that I listened and followed thru to learn more.

By the way...I haven't seen the woodpecker anymore since Monday.

If Woodpecker has come knocking…

It is time to really pay attention because opportunity has come knocking along with it. It is signaling you that great changes are happening in your life and it is up to you to seize the moment. Whether it is the renewal of an old project, the finishing of a new project or simply a serendipitous meeting with someone in your life.  Whatever way you perceive it know that the door is wide open for you right now and that success is your for the asking.
When I hear the woodpecker knocking, I think of opportunity. You know the old saying "when opportunity knocks, answer the door." That's precisely what I'm driving at here. 
Woodpeckers are extremely opportunistic themselves.  Each tree is a door, revealing tender morsels of food (grubs and ants are their favorites). Other trees will yield against their beak-hammering to provide great mansions for their young.
When the woodpecker comes tapping into our awareness, it's also a signal to use our heads. Just as the woodpecker uses its head (beak) to hammer out solutions (food, shelter), we too can use our intellect in finding solutions to our own barriers.

The symbolic meaning of woodpeckers also point to a need for creative vision. Being opportunistic, woodpeckers can see value everywhere, even in dead trees. Have you ditched an idea or given up on a project? The woodpecker may be trying to tell you to breathe new life into your project, just as they build new homes into dead trees.

Further, the symbolic meaning of woodpecker indicates a return to our roots, or having trust in our basic (gut) feelings. Dr. Carl Jung observed the woodpecker as a symbol of a return to the womb of creativity. In this observation the tree is symbolic of a womb; earthy, grounded, sturdy and secure. The woodpecker's home within the tree is analogous of a fierce determination to return and protect that which is sacred to us. 

When this bird comes pecking, it is a call for us to return to our roots, back to the womb of our ideas and use our intellect and discernment to follow through with our plans.
This analogy is doubly profound in the case of red-headed woodpeckers as the color red is associated with the root chakra. Prime, protective energy. Another clear sign for being aware of our core impulses, and our basic beliefs.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Did you know?

I started hosting a blog in December 2012, titled   Regretfully, I have been remiss in the upkeep of this site.  I was temporarily detoured.  This site holds a very special place in my heart.   My intention was/is  to have a place to share stories, to recognize, and celebrate people who creatively bloomed later in life.   I know for certain  there are many creative people out there who have stories to tell that are inspiring and uplifting.   Just like, I know for certain there are people reading these stories who want to step out of their comfort zone(s) and start creating, too. Your story just may be the one to help them take that step.  But... we will never know unless you tell your story.

According to Wikepedia, " a late blooming adult is a person who does not discover their talents and abilities until later than normally expected".  I certainly fit into that category.  Notice the definition doesn't give an age.  Why?   Because your age  isn't the determining factor.   I didn't know that I could paint or draw until I was 58 yrs. old.   With encouragement from others, all I had to do was take that first step out of my comfort zone.  Now there is no stopping me.  I am filled with gratitude for taking those first steps.
 I am re-committing to share these stories.
Let me tell yours and add you to this vase.
It's easy.

Write an article (approx. 3 paragraphs) tell me:
  • Why and when you became a creative Late Bloomer
  • What is your passion
  • Provide me with links where people can go to learn more about you.
  • Send me photos of you and your art or whatever for me to add

Monday, October 12, 2015

She's off my easel.

Last week Friday I did a extremely quick charcoal sketch before I ended my work day in my studio.
Needless to say she stared at me all weekend while she rested on my easel.
I would occasionally talk to her.
I even waved at her.
I couldn't take her staring at me any longer.
So... this morning I appealed to my creative spirit for her helping hand.
The deal was if she told me what to do, I would do it.
No questions asked.
It was kinda tough because my ego mind wanted to critique and make changes
 but I held true to our agreement.
After all, a deal is a deal.
Now she's done.
She's happy.
She's off my easel.  Whew!
Now I'm off to go outside and draw.
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