One of the early assignments is to create a storyboard. It's about gathering all kinds of stuff (photos, images, quotes) things that you love or things that will help tell your story. From the past, present, and future.
I started my storyboard with a photo of me sitting at the top of Cathedral Rock in Sedona, AZ. John was honoring me some quite time to sit and meditate. (Thank You, John) Sedona has a very special place in my heart.
It's interesting... I have come to realize that I have not really given myself permission to dream. I mean, I know there are things that I want in my life but dreaming and dreaming big I just haven't done it. Maybe it has to do with my past and living in "a lack of" atmosphere for the majority of my life. Yet the truth is, it is vitally important to dream. DREAM, DREAM BIG and not be concerned with how those dreams will become realized. JUST DREAM!

Living in Sedona, Arizona would be one of my dreams. (There I said it out loud!) I am imagining my art studio being spacious with enough space to create and teach classes. It would have french doors opening up to a porch facing the beautiful red rocks where I often spend my time simply being. John and I would spend our morning hours climbing the rocks, looking out to the beautiful land. I would be filled with inspiration. Oh my! I'm excited now!
Here is the beginning of my storyboard. As I said earlier, I have just begun. I'll show the rest of it when I'm done.

I am discovering I love creating using muted colors. I enjoy working with different materials, my favorite right now if joint compound. I love lace and dollies. Even incorporating them into my art. The family portrait is me and my sisters & brothers. This marks a time in my life when I wasn't a happy kid, which was the case for most of my childhood, yet when I look at my face a little closer I see the glimmer in my eyes. I was very introverted which in hindsight I see that it served it's purpose as a form of self protection. Ms. Linke was the Principle of our school and, also, my 1st grade teacher. She saw something in me and rescued me from what could have been a horrible life. Because I was so introverted I had a difficult time talking. She put together of team that worked with me. I , very slowly, came out of that shell.
This is getting rather deep. Isn't it? I'm sharing info because this blog is about sharing my creative journey. This happens to be part of that. Stay with me. The best is yet to come.