Yesterday, literally all day... I created in my friend's, Maritza, art studio with her. She has one of those studios that cause me to salivate. It was so spacious with everything she would need within her grasp, places to create sitting or standing and it had an all around good vibe to it. Maritza is a fearless painter and she likes to paint big, beautiful pieces. She's skilled in acrylic, oil, and her favorite is water color. She has multiple shelves packed with art journals, yummy art journals, that she has created over the years. Her house is adorned with drawings from her grandmother that dates back to 1909, can you imagne over 100 years ago. Creating is in her genes, for sure. She is carrying on her grandmother's legacy. We painted, we shared tips, we laughed, we painted some more. A day I'm sure we will repeat.
I went to Maritza's house with a 14 x18 canvas that already had some watercolor markings on it from my GRANDson. And, as it is said, the rest is history. Naturally I gravitated toward a face, this one being a little more toward abstract. Here is what my piece looked like when I left Maritza's studio.
When I got home I sat her on my easel and decided to follow a suggestion I've heard many time before, "let the art speak to you". That is precisely what it did. As I laid down for the night, sleep eluded me. Tossing and turning, unable to sleep, it was as if I was drawn to return to the canvas. So... off to the studio I went.
After some changes were made to her appearance, her message to deliver became apparent,
Speak Your Truth.