Friday, January 19, 2018

just wanted you to see

A friend came over the other day and we randomly created art in my studio.
I always enjoy sharing my studio time with a friend.

I was clicking along with the collage, adding paint, stencils, mark making.
Being all spontaneous and having a grand ole time.

I discovered a section that called for me to add a woman's face so off I went.
In hindsight I should have stopped with the collage!
It was around that time my attitude shifted to not liking what I was creating.
Honestly I thought it is hideous!
My friend never knew how I felt because I kept my composure on the outside.
Good thing our studio time was ending because my piece was kept going downhill fast.

I know... I know... I know...
You guys are so supportive and are probably wanted to help make me feel better. 
Really it's OK.
It's not over yet!  (I'm smiling!)
This piece has the potential to be a metaphor of how life can be sometimes.
It's not about what happens to you it's about how you handle it.
My intention is to love on this piece and work it until I am beaming with pride.
I am confident with a determined positive approach she will become 
a fine piece of art with a tremendous story to tell.

Be sure to say tuned to see the improved finished piece.
(Not certain when that will be, tho.)

Friday, January 12, 2018

Join the fun!

I will be teaching a Create Art with Abandon class for teens-11yrs + 
(grown-ups are invited to come, too)
The Collective + Makery 
4724 Main Street, Lisle, IL 60532
Saturday,  January 20  9:00am-11:00am

Creating art with abandon is about letting your creative spirit out to play without concern of the finished piece or outcome.  
In this class you will have a starting point.
No white page/blank canvas staring back at you, unless that is what you want.

When we allow ourselves to create freely it is absolutely amazing 
what the end result looks like! 
Experience it first hand in this relaxed environment.
Come on and...

NOTE:  There will be a class for adults to be scheduled in February.  
Let me know if you are interested in, at least, knowing when it will be.

Monday, January 8, 2018

2018 word for the year

For the past several years I have chosen a word for each year.
The word comes to me randomly and at a later time it becomes clear why "that" word was the one.
I try not to question "why this word?" but to be honest, I do question it.

Last year (2017) my word was Balance - HERE IS THE LINK if you want to read more about it.  
I loved this word for 2017 and I feel I applied it to my life.  
Because I did value it so much it will remain as my secondary word for 2018.  
Plus I like the art I created for it!
This year when my word came to me I thought it was a little peculiar.  
After sitting with it for several weeks it's meaning is clear.
My 2018 word is....... Drum roll, please......
This word can be used in many different ways.
The definition that fits me is, "up until the present or a specified or implied time".
I have dreams, personally and artistically, I want to accomplish.
Sometimes it seems like I am moving in slow motion when I'd like to be getting there a little faster.
I know that I am responsible for my actions and the results will take care of themselves.
On those times when I'm at a fork in the road my new words will help me stay on course.

Do you have a word for 2018?
If so, I'd like to hear about it.
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