So I decided to look up the definition, this is what Wikipedia had to say:
A friend is a person that someone likes or knows. People who are friends talk to each other and spend time together. They also help each other when they are in trouble. Friends are people that can be looked up to and trusted. A friend is one who admires a person's skill and helps or encourages them to make the right choices.
I wanted to pay homage to a friend of mine which is what prompted me to make this piece. I was soooo excited to share with her what our friendship had inspired in me. Needless to say, I never got the opportunity. Which I now accept as being OK.
It is my 2nd original piece being added to my Etsy shop. There will be more to come.
It's funny how the Universe can step in at just the right time to provide a message that is needed to be heard.
Lo and behold, I got an unexpected package delivered to me from this girl named Sharon. I worked with her at Theda Clark Hospital in Neenah, WI back in the mid to late seventies. I quit that job in the early eighties and saw her only occasionally after that. Then later in the early nineties we reconnected. We would take long walks together and just talk and talk and talk. I learned lots about Sharon and she about me. We are both the same age and both are Aquarians, somehow we felt that made us spiritually connected. I am smiling!
Anyway... I wanted to show you the outside of her package. In every possible place she put something about smiling. Which is essence made me smile!
The beginning of her note, inside,read:
"Total surprise, huh? I couldn't help it. I just saw the enclosed gift, thought of you and imagined what a shock it would be if it appeared on your doorstep, so that's just what I thought I would do. How fun is that?"
Thanks to Sharon for the gift and for being the one the Universe used to provide me with a message.