I woke up this morning and was drawn to find a book I purchased a while ago called The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. It was extremely easy to locate on my bookshelf, almost as if it was waiting me to seek it out. I do remember the reason I bought it was because I wanted to find a way to be able to express myself more creatively. The date inside the book says I purchased it April 1999, 12 years ago. Whew!! That's a long time ago! I sometimes look back in regret that I didn't push a little harder to achieve my dreams. Then I realize that regret will not get me anywhere, it will only keep me stuck. I choose to move forward, even if it is only baby steps. When those nasty little doubt thoughts creep into my mind I ask myself, "if not now, when?" Now that I have discovered the book again and I can remember the feelings I had 12 years ago to achieve my dreams, the same feelings I have now, makes me more determined to see this thru. The little question, "if not now, when?" has more of an impact. I am more determined than ever to "start again", this time it is with the intention of finishing.
Thanks for all your cheers, I can hear you in the distance!!!!
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