Sunday, April 3, 2011

I have vintage style artwork to show

I have been creating and it feels so darn GOOD.  I have completed 5 projects, only 3 of them will be listed.  Silly me, I gave 2 pieces to my sisters and I forgot to get pictures of them.  Oh well!  My sisters loved them and that's what matters most!

As I have said before, I have been using book covers as my canvases.  As I become more comfortable I will move on, but until that time I am enjoying right where I am.  Anyway the big canvases sorta intimidate me.

I have been using photos of my mother's youth and displaying them in a way that enhaces their age and time frame they were taken. 

These pictures are of my mom when she was 16 years old.  I have 2 different styles.  Tell me which one you like best.  OK?


The other project I completed was the photo album I made for my granddaughter, I will be showing the front and the back.  She loves pointing at pictures and saying who they are.  I thought it would great for her to have her own book.  There are photos of people who love her that aren't around alot.  Not all of the people who love her have the privilege to see her often so I thought if she could see their picture it would help her stay acquainted with them.


Wanna know something cool about this book?  If was made with the cardboard from the back of writing tablets.  I glued them together, put masking tape around the edges, and gessoed them like crazy.  They turned out very stiff.  I just happen to think that's cool to be able to use something you already have. 
Go Green!!!


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