Tuesday, May 1, 2018

the story behind the art

I use to think that I could withstand most storms that came my way, literally or emotionally, by rationalizing it.   I'd focus on looking for a silver lining, a lesson to be learned, knowing the sun will come out after the rain, or finding a pony underneath all the horse shit.  
Thru one of my toughest times like my divorce in 1997 after 22 years of marriage I feel one of my strongest assets can be attributed to creating a POL (pissed off list).  
All those things that made me mad or made me scared I would write them down on this list.
I believe there is a place for rationalizing

I, also, have come to understand that feeling the emotion then releasing it 
is extremely cleansing and healing.   
Sometimes thru tears.

I recently feel like I lost a friendship and it has silently troubled me.  I know you are probably thinking, "So what.... friendships come and go!"   Quite honestly I felt the same way... So What... yet the feeling remained.
I turned to my journal to write about it.  I asked myself why it bothered me so much.
It eventually dawned on me that is was...
ABANDONMENT:   a subjective emotional state in which people feel undesired, left behind, insecure, or discarded.  
I started to weep.  Most of my childhood I felt this way and it was here again, in this moment.  Instead of brushing it off and rationalizing it I chose to sit with it. 
Thank You, God/Universe for bringing this person and the situation into my life.

The next morning as I entered my studio, this piece was readily available for me to create.
Titled, "Releasing Can Do Wonders"

Because this piece is resonating with many people.
I have prints available.
Let me know if you are interested and I will give you more details.

1 comment :

  1. My friend. You are so good at self-awareness. Thank you for sharing. I hope you feel better now that you have acknowledged and released.



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