Saturday, January 21, 2017

share your smile

                            Each of us have a story we could tell about how a smile, 
given or received,
changed the course of events in our life.
(if only for a moment)

In 2015 I started a Smile Project - I set out to find people who believed in the value of a smile as I did.  I asked each person to send me a photo of them smiling.  I charcoal paint/draw each smiling face.  Then you and your smile are included in my Smile Project.  You see... I want real people, with real smiles.  I can only do this with your help, your smile.

The clock is ticking. 
My goal is to acquire 52 smiling faces + me by the end of this year or sooner.   Right now I have 29 beautiful smiles.  I need 23 more smiling faces in order for this project to move on to the next phase.
Send me YOUR smile.

Here is what I want to do:
  #1.  create a very big piece of art with all of YOUR smiling faces
  #2.  the message it will carry is "when you smile the world smiles with you
  #3.  I envision it being exhibited in many places to promote the value of a smile

        I am asking that you, YES YOU, join me and these ladies by sharing your smile.

All you have to do is email me a photo of you smiling:
Do it TODAY and join the fun.  You'll be glad you did!


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