Thursday, May 2, 2019

Returning to the fundamentals

photo by: Frank Busch on Unsplash
I started this blog in 2011 it was a means to document my creative journey, later in life and not being sure of what to do.  I simply put one foot in front of the other and trusted it would be revealed to me.   The truth is, most times I was bombarded by self-doubt.  I had never painted or drawn before so I was venturing out into the unknown.  I would use these writings/photos as a reference point to look back in time.  I could see where I was in comparison to where I am at the  present time.   I could see there was improvement, even on a small scale, that gave me the encouragement to keep going.  Today, I still feel those moments of self doubt yet along the way I have gained more confidence then when I started and more tools to help me overcome any of those negative thoughts.

This site, also, was intended to be an encouragement for anyone else who was interested in doing something out of their comfort.  You can begin by reading some of my earlier posts.

You see.. one of the things that frightened me the most was I would compare myself to others.  The really good artists.  Duh!!!  Now I know not to do that.   It would stop me dead in my tracks until one day it dawned on me that they had to begin at the beginning, too.

I remembered a song from a long time ago that inspired me and I started listening to it again.  HERE'S THE LINK TO WATCH

Here are some of the lyrics that I like:
It's not where you start, it's where you finish.
It's not how you go, it's how you land.
A hundred to one shot, they call him a klutz 
Can out-run the favorite, all he needs is the guts.
Your final return will not diminish
And you can be the cream of the crop;
It's not where you start, it's where you finish,
And you're gonna finish on top.

I have gotten more involved in creating art, selling my art, art shows/galleries, teaching, and learning that I have been remiss with this site.  That is going to change.  I am returning to the fundamentals of this blog,  Sharing my creative journey as I let my creative spirit out to play.

You can follow me via email or sign on as a follower.  These choices and others are on the sidebar of my homepage.


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