Thursday, August 7, 2014

collaboration is fun

I invite you to virtually create with me! 

I have this 18" x 18" canvas that has been sitting it my studio from, what seems like, the beginning of time. I've worked on it and worked on it.  I woke up with a fantastic way for it to be completed.  I'd love to take credit for the idea but, actually, it was gifted to me from The Universe/God. :-)

Let's collaborate and finish this piece together.
This is where you come in.  Take a good look at the canvas below and tell me something you can add to it, something that will pull this piece together.  Tell me what to add, if it's a particular color tell me that or a marking of some sort. as the places fill up I will choose a location then I will add  it for you.   A few things you should know - the white areas are joint compound and can be painted on - the actual top of the canvas has been determined and is placed accordingly.   I only have areas marked to help when you tell me where to add your idea.

I know some of you are reading this and are not even considering having fun with us because you think you are not creative.  Well... I am here to tell you that we are ALL creative(period)   So step on out of your comfort zone and give me your idea.   You have absolutely nothing to loose!  When your element has been added I will send you a snippett on FaceBook.
Let's get this party started!!!!!!!

Simply put your idea in the comment section and I will let you know when it was added.  If you are unable to leave yoour request here please add your comment to the FaceBook post.


  1. A black and dark blue butterfly sitting on a strawberry plant.

    1. Hi Julie-Thank You ever so much for being the 1st person to add to our collaborative piece of art. Wasn't it fun! Guess what? I have finished your request and will send a snippet to you.

  2. a frog sittig on a lily pad,maybe bottom right.Zonie☺

    1. Hi Zonie-Ribbit-Ribbit!! Translation = your addtion to our collaborative piece is done and I have sent a snippet to FaceBook. Thanks for creatign with me!

  3. We need some STARS top right and maybe some rain drops falling down.

  4. I see a big sun or sunflower on the left coming up over some rippling water on the right. The sky is filled with stars and lightening bugs. A soft breeze is gently blowing flower petals about.

  5. Details!!! ~ how about some sunflower petals floating across the canvas from left to right? That is the direction the breeze is blowing from my perspective.

  6. Make the yellow into a Sun and the two white spots in the upper left top into clouds.
    Brenda Huggins

  7. Few big Stars in the right top side and some rain coming down. I forgot to put my name the other day this is Nita



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