Sunday, October 14, 2012


Someone asked me the other day what I had been up to and I wasn't sure how to answer.  Did she really want to know all the details or was it just a rhetorical question? I determined it was the latter so I said "not much". 

My objective is to look at life from a more positively position, than negative. Being negative doesn't serve me or anyone else.  I prefer to see life as either ebbing or flowing.  Just like with nature, it will change.  The last couple weeks I seem to be ebbing more than I would like.  One day I surrendered and stayed in bed all day - watched YouTube "how to" videos in between naps.   It actually ended up being a good thing. 

My art comes from my heart.  "Simple Truth/Simple Reminders"  I smile when I can see a piece of my art and know exactly what I was feeling when I created it.  This piece I did on 9/23/12, I was feeling like I wasn't getting anywhere with my dreams.  My message to myself was, it doesn't matter how long it takes or how you get there, just begin to follow the path of your dreams.  The tricycle is to symbolize how slow it can seem.  I was ebbing when I created this piece.

On 10/7/12 I created  this lady.  She most definitely is in deep thought, perhaps about her next adventure.  I used a new product, Faber-Castell Gelatos,  for her face that I will be using alot of now.  I learned about gelatos while watching YouTube "how to" videos the day I stayed in bed. (this was only one thing that turned out good from staying in bed that day)

I have come full circle, the ebb is gone and I am flowing, again.

Here is a piece of artwork from the on-line class I took with Donna Downey Canvas Create.  I made it for my neighbor's birthday, Maureen, who exudes love.
Another thing I did the day I stayed in bed all day was re-read my journal. What a revelation that was!  My journal is a place where I write everything, my hopes, my dreams, and my fears.  Many times within the past year I had written about a project that I felt I was suppose to do.  And because of fear or whatever, I haven't done anything with it.  I remember I let fear or whatever delay me beginning my creative I'm a Late Bloomer blog (read about it here) This blog was the best thing I could have ever done.  I am honored to share stories of some pretty awesome women who have creatively bloomed late.  There are many, many more women out there who need a little boost to let their creative spirit out to play. 
Well.... enough of holding back from moving toward my dreams.  I'm going for it.  It will be fun watching it unfold.  I feel my next piece of art stirring within my soul that will be called The Happy Dance, so stay tuned for the rest of the story!


  1. Teresa your artwork is beautiful. It's so nice when we give ourselves the time off we need to get us back in the flow of things. Happy to read you are feeling awesome again.

    Love your blog and all the stories on I'm a late Bloomer! xo

  2. :))) It doesn't matter how slow we go, just keep going! That way we make our dreams come true every day and keep making new dreams :)))

  3. Teresa,
    Your most recent drawing using those new pens is wonderful! You keep it up, girl. I'm inspired.



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