This morning my husband came into the house and said, "I have a surprise for you."
He proceeded to hand me a clump of coal from our chiminea.
I must have had a quizzical look on my face because he proceeded to tell me
I could use it for my next drawing.
You know, sometimes, it's those simple things in life that have the grandest impact.
This was one of those moments.
I did just that. I used only the charcoal he gave me to draw this lovely lady.
At times it was a little tricky because the charcoal was chunky,
I found it somewhat of a challenge on the details.
Yet with a little persistence and an eraser I was able to get the job done.
To top it off I drew her on a of piece of textured wall paper that I had stenciled on.
It did have had tooth to grab the charcoal.
Thank You, John, for the inspiration of Day #13.
Thank You for all of your support and encouragement.
I couldn't do this without YOU!
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