Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Spreading Our Wings Blog Hop

A BIG THANKS to Kelly Rae Roberts !
It's been said, "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear". 
Thank You, Kelly,  for coming into my life when you did.
 I have taken your words of wisdom  from your Flying Lessons e-course very seriously. 
AND...  I now believe I can fly! 

If you want to meet some incredible, creative women, click on each link below and savor every site.
You, too, will be inspired to spread your wings and fly!

 Amaranthine Violet: http://magic-gypsy.blogspot.com/
Amy Hillenbrand: http://amyhillenbrand.blogspot.com/
Beatriz Peñas B.: http://beatrizbepe.blogspot.com/
Beth Cougler Blom: http://sobliss.wordpress.com/
Carmen Patti: http://carmenpattistudio.com/wordpress/
Carol Bray: http://theredpaintedcottage.blogspot.com/
Christina Fajardo: http://christinafajardo.blogspot.com/
Cindy Jones Lantier: http://www.lantier.org/
Connie Rawlins : http://www.dabblinginlife.blogspot.com/
Dana Brock: http://www.dzynbydana.blogspot.com/
Deborah Velásquez : http://deborahvelasquez.blogspot.com/
Elissa Brown: http://thefreckledarmy.blogspot.com/
Hillary Courson: http://www.hillarycourson.com/
Jacquie Williamson: http://www.jacquiewilliamson.blogspot.com/
Jane Paynting: http://inkspiredwings.wordpress.com/
Janet Forrest: http://tatterednworn.wordpress.com/
Jennifer DeVille: http://jenniferdeville.com/blog/
Jill Lambert : http://www.jill-lambert.blogspot.com/
Julie Hamilton: http://spaark.wordpress.com/
Kanchan Mahon: http://Kanchan-Mahon.blogspot.com/
Karen Claverie: http://giddyupletsride.blogspot.com/
Kari DeSaulnier: http://karidesi.blogspot.com/
Kathleen Conard : http://newfromoldcreations.blogspot.com/
Kathleen McKinnon: http://harmonyschoolhouse.com/expressions-blog.html
Kathy May: http://kathymaydesigns.org/
Kelley Miller: http://www.kelleymillerartworks.blogspot.com/
Kelly Corso: http://birdinatreecreations.blogspot.com/
Kelly Hoernig: http://www.kellyhoernig.blogspot.com/
Kim Hyer: http://www.apaperaddict.com/
Kris Lanae Binsfeld: http://cherishdesigns.wordpress.com/
Lenore Angela: http://www.lenoreangela.blogspot.com/
Linda Barutha: http://lindabaruthadesigns.blogspot.com/
Lisa Michele Products: http://www.lisamicheleproducts.blogspot.com/
Liza Zeni Baker: http://lizazeni.wordpress.com/
Lynn Richards: http://alittlebluesky.blogspot.com/
Lori Leissner: http://leissnerart.blogspot.com/
Lori Moon: http://lorimoonstudio.blogspot.com/
Mary Cottingham: http://www.barnbugstudio.blogspot.com/
Mary Sterk: http://justmarydesigns.wordpress.com/
Megan Schmitt: http://www.schmittenwithwords.blogspot.com/
Melanie Douthit: http://www.douthitgallery.blogspot.com/
Michelle Dwyer: http://www.magnetisedbylife.com/
Michelle Reynolds: http://shellsinthebush.blogspot.com/
Rain Hannah: http://honeyandollie.com/
Rhiannon Connelly: http://www.starrybluesky.wordpress.com/
Ruth-Mary Smith: http://patchworkfamilieshub.blogspot.com/
Sherry Richert Belul: http://simplycelebrate.net/cherry-blossom-soup
Shirley Ann: http://leonardarenaissancewoman.blogspot.com/
Stacey Chadwick Brown: http://staceybrownarts.blogspot.com/
Susan M. Walls-Beverly: http://www.susanscharmingtrinkets.blogspot.com/
Teresa Cash-Czech: http://www.asmilemaker.com/
Tina Carlborg: http://www.tinachicky.blogspot.com/
Tonya Love: http://passport2creativity.com/
Ursula Smith: http://www.EasyScraps.com/blog
Mary Cottingham   http://www.barnbugstudio.blogspot.com/


  1. Thank you for flying with our tribe!

  2. This art work is WONDERFUL! I love it!

  3. So glad to have met you through this course. You are truly such an encouragement to me :) I love your little ATC! So cute!!

  4. So glad you participated- your artwork is just lovely!!! we obviously had both had butterflies on our mind! ♥

  5. Love the piece you made for the blog hop! Beautiful!

  6. Very pretty picture on this post!!

  7. GREAT GREAT clean piece that you have contributed! thanks for sharing it with us... PS- where did you get that cool clock on your blog? I love it too!

  8. beautiful art for the blog hop, happy flying with you x

  9. I love that! I don't know how I missed your blog the first time around. Your artwork does make me smile. Thank you!



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